something to crow about!!!

something to crow about!!!

When I was growing up and we traveled, my Mom always kept a travel journal with three carbon copies. She would mail the carbons to the Grandparents and her sister so they could “share” the trip. The original was always stored with my Dad’s slides. When he would show his slides she would follow along with the journal and make sure his narration was accurate. I not only felt sorry for the people who got the carbons ( after I was married I started getting them), but I thought this was pretty corny.

When I started to travel I saw the wisdom of a journal. When I went to Turkey I had access to a computer so I blogged on Moodle. When I retired I decided to start my own travel blog. This blog has several advantages, it forces me to make accurate descriptions of the day each night before I jump into bed and I don’t have to send postcards. ( my kids think this is pretty corny)

My blog has been ok, but I knew that it could be better. This spring I took advantage of the free courses offered to old people (over 65) at WCC, Life Long Learning. I took a WordPress Class from a very patient instructor, Dee Overly, who was marvelous. With her guidance I ripped apart most of my blog and redid many pages. I learned a ton and I am eager to begin my next trip. In a few weeks I will be leaving with Wendy Beckwith for Iceland. We are taking a ROADS SCHOLAR TOUR. We will be site seeing and learning photography. Wendy will be adding some of her thoughts to the blog.

St Augustine said ” the world is a book and those who don’t travel read only one page.”

I’m off for another page turner.